Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Our Foundation’s Goal is to help children & teenagers with ADHD maintain a positive outlook on life and to understand the value of living and enjoying each day! We want to help them to look forward to the next day & to their journey through life!
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“Today is the best day of your life, and tomorrow will be even better!"
- Anthony & Our Family Motto
Our Vision
To positively change and impact the landscape for ADHD and raise kindness to a whole new level!
Our Mission
We are a Hands-on Organization that works to “Empower & Help Children and Teenagers (Kids) with ADHD!” We want to “Help Kids with ADHD THRIVE!
Help us achieve our mission to "EMPOWER and HELP kids with ADHD." We need everyone's help to make Anthony's kind way and love come alive and to make sure these kids have a positive outlook on life!
Working with Schools - We will be working with Schools around the country to do kind acts and then create a Wall of Orange Hearts of Kindness! We have several high schools, middle and elementary schools that will be participating.
Once again, Tony & Cassi Bellezza will match donations up to $5,000. We are committed to helping kids with ADHD.
Donate today at
There are so many children in our society that will never feel the joy of the Christmas season. Once again Anthony's Way- The Road to Kindness will obtain toys for kids of all ages and provide them to a local church or other organization so that they can provide them to children.