News & Events
Nov 5, 2024
Anthony's Way takes the road to kindness | Health Smart on Fox43
Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness was featured on Fox 43, a Pennsylvania local news station.
After losing their son, a former Dauphin County couple formed a nonprofit aimed at helping kids with ADHD. Watch the full interview: https://www.fox43.com/video/life/anthonys-way-takes-the-road-to-kindness-health-smart/521-0dc73530-984e-4d65-927e-01e346dccca9
Oct 4, 2024
Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness featured on 93.7 FM The Dude
On Friday, October 4, Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness was interviewed by local radio station, 93.7 FM The Dude, based out of Wilmington, NC. Founders, Cassi and Tony Bellezza, were interviewed by Linda Wylde about Anthony's 2nd Annual Ride for Kindness on October 12, 2024.
Listen to the full interview here: https://tinyurl.com/39te9kkm
About the Event:
The event kicks off with registration at the Carolina Coast - Harley Davidson at 9:00 AM. You can pre-register today or register onsite at the event! All vehicles are welcome! Learn more here: https://www.anthonysroadtokindness.com/ride-for-kindness
Jun 25, 2024
Anthony’s Way- The Road To Kindness: ADHD and Overcoming Tragedy
ADHD impacts over 6 million children and teenagers (ages 5 to 18). According to the Mayo Clinic, “ADHD includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. Children and teenagers with ADHD may also struggle with low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and poor performance in school. Symptoms sometimes lessen with age. However, some people never completely outgrow their ADHD symptoms.” If the family has the resources, kids can get help to learn strategies to deal with their ADHD struggles. Other families may not be able to afford this help and then their child may struggle with the many symptoms that come from having ADHD.
The most alarming and staggering statistic surrounding ADHD, according to Health Place Research, is that “those with ADHD have a 30% higher risk of attempting or dying by suicide!” There are many reasons why, however, the reasons do not matter when it impacts a family.
Life often thrusts unexpected challenges upon us, pushing our limits and reshaping our paths. For our family, the profound loss of our son, Anthony, who struggled with ADHD and other learning difficulties, became the catalyst for a powerful mission. This is the story of how we turned our family tragedy into a vision aimed at providing holistic care and support for countless children and teenagers facing ADHD and their families. Additionally, Anthony’s kind, loving way fuels our vision to bring events that will raise kindness to new heights and help build unity and togetherness in our schools, communities, and organizations!
Read the full article here: https://ncchild.org/anthonys-story-adhd-and-overcoming-tragedy/
Feb 12, 2024
Announcing Partnership with Shuckin' Shack Oyster Bar
We are gaining momentum for our first memorial Nationwide Walk A Mile for Kindness & ADHD!
Today, we have a major shout out 👏 to our significant partner SHUCKIN' SHACK OYSTER BAR!
This awesome group will be selling Orange Hearts of Kindness 🧡 in their Carolina Beach and Wilmington NC stores to support our Walk and Anthony's Kindness Movement - Choose Kindness 4... ADHD!
Thank you - our hearts go out to the entire Shuckin' Shack team!
Tony & Cassi and our family
Watch the full video here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7162834698329653248/
Feb 6, 2024
PRESS RELEASE: February 6, 2024
Anthony’s Way – The Road to Kindness Launches First Nationwide Walk A Mile for Kindness & ADHD During RAK Week
Feb. 14 - 20 marks our first Memorial Nationwide Walk A Mile for Kindness & ADHD Event. TOGETHER, let's "Choose Kindness" & Help Kids with ADHD THRIVE.
Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness proudly introduces its inaugural Nationwide Walk A Mile for Kindness & ADHD Event. This empowering initiative encourages participants to Choose Kindness and embark on a compassionate journey, performing acts of kindness that not only touch lives but also contribute to changing the landscape for children with ADHD, helping them thrive. The Nationwide Walk can be undertaken anytime during Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 14 to 20).
Participants can join the Walk A Mile for Kindness & ADHD from anywhere. The registration process is simple: form a team, select a captain; choose a creative team name; develop a kind act that can be done together or individually; and set a donation target. Prizes await the most creatively named team and the team that raises the highest donations! Follow Anthony’s Road to Kindness illustration.
Read the full press release here: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/686618200
Nov 2, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: Nov 2, 2023
Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness Launches World Kindness Day Campaign for ADHD
Join us on November 13 for our World Kindness Day Social Media Campaign, “Choose Kindness 4 ADHD.” Together, Let's Raise Kindness to a Whole New Level!
WILMINGTON, NC, UNITED STATES, November 2, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Anthony’s Way – The Road to Kindness, a Foundation dedicated to helping children and teenagers with ADHD while promoting kindness, today announced a new social media campaign designed to show support and raise awareness about the need for kindness toward kids and teens living with ADHD. The campaign, called “Choose Kindness 4 ADHD” will run on World Kindness Day on November 13, 2023.
"Our goal is to make Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness a household name in both the ADHD and Kindness arenas," said Tony Bellezza, founder, chairman and president. "We believe that by emphasizing kindness, we can create a world where every child with ADHD is understood and supported. The Foundation was created to remember our son, Anthony, who had ADHD and shared and spread his kindness to so many students, friends, and family members.”
World Kindness Day, observed annually on November 13th, is a day to celebrate and promote goodwill among individuals and communities. Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness is taking this opportunity to encourage everyone to join the movement of kindness and participate in the social media campaign by using the campaign hashtag “#ChooseKindness4ADHD” and share messages of support on their social media channels using our campaign graphics that can be found here [https:www.anthonysroadtokindness.com]
“The “#ChooseKindness4ADHD” campaign is designed to unite people from all walks of life, as everyone has a role to play in promoting kindness, caring and empathy. It is an opportunity for businesses, organizations of all kinds, schools, families, and individuals to come together, demonstrating the power of kindness and to show support and kindness to those with ADHD!” said Tony Bellezza, founder, chairman and president. "
The Foundation has also partnered with several schools to participate in acts of kindness for World Kindness Day. These schools will be doing acts of kindness up to November 13 and then creating a wall of orange hearts to share their kind acts. These schools, along with our social media campaign, will help us to raise kindness to a whole new level!
To learn more about our #ChooseKindness4ADHD campaign, visit [https:www.anthonysroadtokindness.com].
Oct 11, 2023
Attention Talk Radio: ADHD and Overcoming Tragedy - What Do You Do?
Losing someone to ADHD can be devastating, especially to the parents of a son who, in one quick moment, made an impulsive choice that ended his life. What do you do when such a tragedy strikes?
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (https://digcoaching.com) interviews Tony and Cassi Bellezza (https://anthonysroadtokindness.com), parents who lost their beloved 18-year-old son, Anthony, to the impulsivity of ADHD. Hear them talk about their experience and how they chose to face it. Listen to their plight and be inspired by how they transformed this experience of darkness and despair into a mission of hope to serve the ADHD community. If you need a pick-me-up, this is an episode you won’t want to miss.
Listen Now: http://tobtr.com/12264153
Oct 10, 2023
CHAAD - Attention Magazine: Overcoming Tragedy
Overcoming Tragedy | A Story of Love, Kindness, and Making a Difference
By Tony and Cassi Bellezza
October 2023
IN LIFE, WE OFTEN FIND OURSELVES facing unexpected challenges that push us to our limits. For our family, the loss of our beloved son, Anthony, who battled with ADHD and other learning difficulties, became the driving force behind our vision to make a positive impact on the lives of countless children and teenagers facing similar challenges.
This is the story of how we turned our family tragedy into a powerful vision to provide holistic care and support for kids with ADHD.
Read the full article here:
Oct 2, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: Oct 2, 2023
Anthony’s Way – The Road to Kindness, a New Nonprofit, Launches to Empower and Help Children and Teenagers with ADHD
Anthony’s Foundation will Provide Resources and an Evidence-Based Model Aimed at Improving the Health, Wellness and Academic Outcomes in Kids with ADHD
WILMINGTON, NC, UNITED STATES, October 2, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Today marks the launch of "Anthony's Way – The Road to Kindness," a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and teenagers with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The organization aims to implement a one-of-a-kind evidence-based model that includes holistic resources and tools to empower school-aged kids with ADHD and provide help to their families.
ADHD is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder that affects over 6.4 million children and teenagers in the US. (1) These kids often face unique challenges related to focus, impulse control, hyperactivity, and other comorbidities, which can impact their lives, academic performance, self-esteem, and overall well-being. (2) Because of the impacts of having ADHD, these kids are also at a higher risk of developing depression and anxiety and attempting or dying by suicide. (3) While various approaches exist to help kids diagnosed with ADHD, such as prescription medicine and academic assistance, Anthony’s Foundation seeks to fill a crucial gap by implementing a more comprehensive and holistic caring model that helps these children and teenagers thrive and excel in all aspects of their lives.
Founder’s Vision
"We created Anthony's Foundation in honor of our son, who was diagnosed with ADHD and tragically lost his life as a teenager. We are taking our family tragedy and focusing it on our mission to help kids with ADHD not just survive but THRIVE!” said Tony Bellezza, founder, chairman, and president of Anthony’s Way – The Road to Kindness. “Kids with ADHD already have a natural tendency to be Kind. However, they are often bullied and struggle with social situations, and all they want is to be accepted for who they are. We will draw out this kindness and make it a cornerstone in our caring model. Anthony was kind to everyone he knew, and we want to share his example and help to raise kindness to a whole new level.”
Anthony’s Foundation aims to empower children and teenagers with ADHD and their families to achieve better overall wellness, mental health, and academic performance. They have partnered and leveraged expert resources and evidence-based methods to create a comprehensive hands-on program and approach. This pioneering approach is a one-of-a-kind model we call the Holistic Transformational Caring Model that encompasses all aspects of care many of these kids need. This innovative model is designed to comprehensively address the unique needs of each child and teenager with ADHD.
The Holistic Transformational Caring Model includes:
1. ADHD Certified Life Coaches: provide the necessary skills to improve habits of daily living, academic success and create a safe place for these kids to work through their struggles and to find their unique talents.
2. Student Advocates: address any concerns that are not being met by the school system for the child’s (student’s) development and learning.
3. Experienced Educational Tutors: assist in learning Math, English and the languages.
4. Health and Fitness Professionals: encourage regular physical activities, creative pursuits, and extracurricular interests.
5. A College Preparatory Organization: SAT and ACT preparation and the college application and acceptance process.
6. Mental Health: link to services, as needed.
7. Social and Situational Guidance and Training: help with real-life social interactions and skills.
8. Kindness Scholarship: encourage these kids to do kind deeds to improve their community and to draw out their inherent kind way. Upon graduation, they may be eligible to receive a Kindness Scholarship.
Expert Support
Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell, MD, a globally renowned authority on ADHD and a distinguished member of Anthony’s Foundation Medical Advisory Group, emphasized in his recent book, ADHD 2.0, the profound impact of ADHD, stating, "ADHD is a condition whose power, magnitude, and complexity are often misunderstood. Ignorance about ADHD can have devastating consequences, including a heightened risk of suicide, various forms of addiction, alarming behavioral challenges, and a potentially shorter lifespan."
"Through this nonprofit organization, with its dedicated mission to raise funds and deploy a comprehensive hands-on model, they have the potential to bring an immense amount of hope to children and families who may otherwise struggle to access the support they urgently need” said David Giwerc, founder, and president of the ADD Coach Academy and member of Anthony’s Foundation advisory board.
Get Involved
To achieve its goals, Anthony’s Foundation is seeking Investment Sponsors to help cover the costs of implementing its Caring Model and provide Kindness Scholarships. The Foundation is also having a series of fundraising events to support its mission. To donate, visit https://anthonysroadtokindness.networkforgood.com/.
About Anthony’s Way – The Road to Kindness
Anthony’s Way – The Road to Kindness is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering children and teenagers with ADHD. With a dedicated board, a professional medical advisory group, and a passionate advisory team, the Foundation provides essential resources and support. To learn more about its mission, upcoming events, and partnership opportunities, please visit https://www.anthonysroadtokindness.com and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.
Media Contact:
Tony Bellezza
(1) Data and Statistics About ADHD from the Center for Disease Control Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html
(2) Harpin V., Mazzone L., Raynaud J.P., Kahle J., Hodgkinsm P. Long-term outcomes of ADHD: A systematic review of self-esteem and social function. J. Atten. Disord. 2016;20:295–305. Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23698916/
(3) Judit Balazs and Agnes Kereszteny. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and suicide: A systematic review. World J Psychiatry, 2017 March 22; 7(1):44-59. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5371172/
Sep 19, 2023
PRESS RELEASE: Sept 19, 2023
RIDE FOR KINDNESS: A Harley Dice Run Event Dedicated to Empowering Kids with ADHD!
Wilmington, NC - September 19, 2023 - Anthony's Way- The Road to Kindness Foundation is thrilled to announce the inaugural RIDE FOR KINDNESS Harley Dice Run, slated for October 14th, 2023, from 9 am to 4 pm. This exhilarating event not only promises an unforgettable ride but also offers a chance to support a cause that touches many hearts.
Hosted by the registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness Foundation, this event marks a significant milestone in their mission to assist children facing the challenges of ADHD.
Starting Point: The journey commences at Carolina Coast Harley-Davidson, where participants can register and collect their scorecards, gearing up for an exciting ride to Shuckin’ Shack Leland. Whether you're an avid motorcyclist or a car enthusiast, this event welcomes all vehicles. Registration, including the scorecard, is set at an affordable $25, with the option to purchase additional scorecards for $20 on the event day.
Scenic Stops and Dice Rolls: Along the route, participants will make stops at scenic locations, including Fishy Fishy in Southport and Beach House Harley-Davidson in Shallotte. These scenic interludes provide an opportunity to roll the dice, earn points, and relish picturesque landscapes.
Fair Play and Prizes: To ensure fairness, a dedicated team of volunteers will oversee and record each dice roll. Participants have a chance to win exciting prizes, with $250 for the highest roll and $100 for the lowest. In the event of a tie, an exhilarating roll-off will determine the winner.
Grand Finale: All roads lead back to Shuckin’ Shack Leland by 4 pm, where the excitement peaks as the dice run winners are announced. The event will also feature raffle draws and door prize giveaways. Afterwards attendees can grab a bite and a drink and wait for Papa Midnight band to play at 6:00pm.
Impactful Giving: Above all, every dollar raised during the RIDE FOR KINDNESS Harley Dice Run will directly benefit children living with ADHD. This event isn't just about the thrill of the ride; it's about uniting as a community for a noble cause.
Save the Date: Mark October 14th on your calendar for a blend of adrenaline, scenic vistas, camaraderie, and philanthropy. Whether you ride a motorcycle or drive a car, join the Ride for Kindness Harley Dice Run. Together, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of children with ADHD.
For more information or to get involved, please contact: Tony Belleza-
Phone: (717) 329-7160/ Email: contact@anthonysroadtokindness.com
**About Anthony's Way - The Road to Kindness Foundation: Our mission is to empower children and teens with ADHD and help their families thrive. Inspired by our son Anthony, who had ADHD, we are turning a family tragedy into a mission of kindness. We cherish Anthony's kind spirit and aim to empower kids by helping them discover their unique gifts and talents through a comprehensive approach that includes Certified ADHD Life Coaches, Educational Tutors, Health & Fitness Professionals, College Prep Services and Mental Health services as needed.
Join us on Anthony's Road to Kindness and help kids and teens with ADHD WIN!
Aug 21, 2023
Anthony's Way Awarded Check for July 3 Guarantee
Anthony's way is the chosen nonprofit for July's WWAY 3 Degree Weather Forecast Guarantee, sponsored by Mattress & Furniture Liquidators.
We would like to extend our thanks and deepest gratitude to @wwaynews 𝐖𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝟑 𝐚𝐧𝐝 @mfl_wilmington 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 & 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 for their support!
Through some generous business connections, we were honored to be the chosen nonprofit for July's WWAY 3 Degree Weather Forecast Guarantee, graciously sponsored by Mattress & Furniture Liquidators. A special shoutout to the 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫, @gusrodea 𝐆𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐨 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐚, for personally handing over the check to us. The joy is evident in the accompanying picture!
Thank you, Gustavo! Every penny will be directed towards our passionate mission: Empowering children with ADHD to thrive and succeed!